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Monday, December 21, 2009

PicketLink:: Identity Management and JBoss

It gives me pleasure in announcing v1.0.0 of Project PicketLink
(Formerly JBoss Identity).


What does the project do?
PicketLink addresses the various facets of Identity Management and other
areas of security at JBoss.

What does v1.0 provide?
* Federated Identity: Support for SAML v2.0, WS-Trust v1.3 and OpenID.
* IDM: An Identity Model for managing identities and associated behavior.

Which Servers are supported?
For Federated Identity support, we support servlet containers, but
provide deeper integration with JBoss Application Server and Apache Tomcat.

What Projects have integrated?
* JBoss Seam has SAML support [From community volunteer Marcel Kolsteren].
* JBoss ESB has WS-Trust STS with SAML Token Support.
* RestEASY wants the OpenID integration.

Looking forward to v1.1:
* AuthZ, a developer friendly access control API, led by Sohil. Built on
top of our XACML offering.
* Negotiation, led by Darran, with integration in EPP as well as WS-T
Kerberos support.
* oAuth Support.

I know there will be gaps and bugs which we will fix as we go forward.

1 comment:

Raj said...

Hi Anil,

PicketLink IDM distribution supports Maven goal of assembling it for the JBoss AS Server, but there seems to be no documentation wrt Tomcat.

Could you please give some hints about how to pursue deployment of PicketLink IDM in a Tomcat installation.

Thank you!