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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

JBossXACML v2.0.3 Released

Since we had a very successful interoperability experience as part of the Oasis-HITSP Technology Demonstration at HIMSS2009 in Chicago, we are ready to roll the next version of JBossXACML.

JBossXACML v2.0.3 should be available from here. (Click <==)

Release Notes
Release Notes for JBoss Security and Identity Management
Includes versions: JBossXACML_2.0.3.alpha JBossXACML_2.0.3.CR1 JBossXACML_2.0.3.CR2 JBossXACML_2.0.3.CR3 JBossXACML_2.0.3.CR4 JBossXACML_2.0.3 JBossXACML_2.0.3.CR5

** Sub-task
* [ SECURITY-390 ] JBossXACML: ResourceLocator
* [ SECURITY-396 ] Rule:: NPE if description of a rule is empty
* [ SECURITY-400 ] XACML Conformance Tests: Mandatory - attribute references, functions, combination algos
* [ SECURITY-401 ] XACML Conformance Tests: Mandatory - schema components

** Feature Request
* [ SECURITY-257 ] AttributeDesignator should throw RuntimeException when a particular attribute that was expected is missing
* [ SECURITY-275 ] JBossSAMLRequest: buildRequest method
* [ SECURITY-382 ] JBossPDP ctr to take Configuration Metadata also
* [ SECURITY-388 ] JBossXACML: AttributeLocator
* [ SECURITY-407 ] XACML: Configuration should allow specifying just the locators (and no policies)

** Bug
* [ SECURITY-206 ] Attribute type not set in constructor
* [ SECURITY-295 ] NPE in JBossPDP -> createValidatingUnMarshaller when schema is missing
* [ SECURITY-351 ] JBossResponseContext->getResult has missing values
* [ SECURITY-391 ] JBossXACML: PDP construction should be one time
* [ SECURITY-394 ] FunctionBase: bag-size throws an IllegalArgumentException
* [ SECURITY-395 ] AbstractPolicy: Empty Description element throws NPE
* [ SECURITY-397 ] XACML: HigherOrderFunction checkInputs needs to relax type checking on evaluations
* [ SECURITY-399 ] XACML: Apply->evaluate method tries to encode an attributeValue that can be a bag
* [ SECURITY-403 ] XACML: Resource can have multiple attributes with resource-id
* [ SECURITY-405 ] XACML:: TimeAttribute computes GMT miliseconds incorrectly when the date is 1 day after Jan 1, 1970

** Task
* [ SECURITY-335 ] Sync up sunxacml bug fixes
* [ SECURITY-337 ] Validate the Oasis XACMLv2 conformance tests
* [ SECURITY-359 ] Retire jboss-xacml-saml module
* [ SECURITY-360 ] Assembly for jbossxacml
* [ SECURITY-409 ] Release JBossXACML 2.0.3

What is new?
* Some performance improvements in the PDP evaluation. Previously we were creating a PDP per evaluation. Now we instantiate a PDP and then use it for each evaluation. (Call this an oversight. We are human!).
* You can specify just locators (policy, attribute or resource) in the configuration file without the need for specifying the policy/policysets. This is useful when you need to write a locator that needs to fetch a policy or attribute from a different location.
* The Oasis v2 Conformance Tests are now part of the JBossXACML test suite. So every release will ensure that we have conformance.

User Guide:

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